Currently Servicing Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, OH and Atlanta, GA

Bookkeeping & Accounting

We can analyze the nature of your business and financial transactions, and implement a solution that is flexible enough to grow and change with your business.

Tax Planning & Preparation

CLE can educate you about year-round tax planning, tax-season preparation, and filing, liability, and record-keeping.

Business Consultant

We stand ready to engage in business consulting projects to help you make the right decisions for the future of your business.


Our payroll services professionals are well-versed on these laws and regulations.

Looking for a First-Class Accountant or Business Consultant?

Industries Served

Entrepreneurs ||  Professional Athletes || Religious organizations || Non-Profits

CLE Consulting Firm’s Vision

is to be the trusted accounting and professional services partner of choice. We accomplish this through building relationships, promoting financial
literacy and improving the economic landscape of our communities.

Request an Appointment.

Would you like to speak to one of our financial advisers over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.